Sunday, 12 August 2012

It turns out - you are constantly on edge!

So, now we know that Lucie's heart is at 30% capacity, I find I am watching her every move incase she overexerts herself! I was cleaning today (it turns out nesting is kicking in!) and heard a thud and Lucie meowing. I dropped everything, convinced something had happened and rushed upstairs to see how she was, mentally making arrangements to get her to the vets - turns out she had jumped onto the bannister and wanted attention! If I wasn't so happy she was ok I could have killed her! The baby was not impressed either and was kicking up a storm after that shock.

I have noticed a couple of things since Lucie collapsed - she has become very clingy and a change in Seren, the youngest cat.

Now don't get me wrong, Lucie has also been a cuddly cat, especially with me. When she was little she would curl up in my arms and go to sleep sucking my finger, holding it like a baby would hold a bottle. She will still do this occasionally. But now she seems to follow me around a lot, just making sure she is in the same room as me. Most nights she sleeps at the bottom of the bed and if she's not at the bottom, she's underneath right under my pillow. Some nights we have Lucie, Tabitha and Piper (the dog) on the bed with us - and there is very little room for me and Joe!

I have also noticed with Seren that she is craving more attention from me and is also picking on Lucie more. Now Seren, although we got her together (I had Tabitha and Lucie before I met Joe), has always been Joe's cat. She will always go to him over me and often ignores  me. I don't think it helps matters that she frustrates me sometimes as she is quite a nervous cat and her way of dealing with things is to wee on EVERYTHING. It does get frustrating cleaning cat wee up all the time (we have had behaviourists in etc, can find out the exact trigger) and I am assuming she picks this up from me. Lately, she has become very cuddly. Now I don't know if this is because of what's happening with Lucie or if its because of the baby (I am 21 weeks pregnant).

Seren has always been one to try it on with the other cats, but ever since we got Piper she calmed down as she could expend all the extra energy playing with her and will often try to curl up with Piper. In the last few weeks she has really started on Lucie, to the point of where there is lots of hissing and screaming. Lucie gives as good as she gets, but I do worry if one day that it will be a fight too far and it will send Lucie over the edge.

The only other thing that is jumping to mind is Lucie's appetite - she seems to want food, but doesn't eat much. She is not a fan of the dry food (which is mainly eaten by Seren) and normally two sachets of Nature's Menu is put down for the three of them. They are not eating as much so I now split a sachet in the morning and the evening, yet Lucie only eats a small amount. I don't know if its now a case of little and often, or there is an underlying factor. I am sure the heat isn't helping either. She will also still try to eat the dogs food (she's on a home made diet) so I am debating trying a new food, see if that helps change things.

Anyway, today has been a very busy day so I am going to have to head off to bed - so tired!

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